- 20%
- 30%
- 60%
Stress free zone
Danger zone
Stress zone
Your mortgage payments are
of your pre-tax income
Pre-tax monthly income:
Monthly repayments:
Pre-tax monthly balance:
The mortgage stress bar shows visually how close you could be to experiencing mortgage stress.
Calculator Assumptions and Disclaimers
The results from this calculator should be used as an indication only. Results do not represent either quotes or pre-qualifications for the product. Individual institutions apply different formulas. Information such as interest rates quoted and default figures used in the assumptions are subject to change.
- Our calculator estimates your risk of mortgage stress by taking the following steps: Breaking down your household’s annual income into approximate monthly income by dividing the total by 12.
- Comparing your entered monthly repayment to your approximate household monthly income.
- Displaying the result as a percentage on the table (results 30 per cent or higher are assumed to be deemed mortgage stress).
- All calculations are estimates only.
- These calculations are only accurate for the information entered, and do not take into account future changes to you/your household income, your home loan interest rate, or your mortgage repayments.
- Results are calculated based on pre-tax income and do not take any other living expenses into account.
- Some people on high incomes may be comfortable paying 30% or more on housing or some people may have a savings plan in place that allows them to make them comfortable taking on a larger debt.
- The calculator is for information purposes only. Any advice is general and has not taken into account your personal circumstances.